Started out intending to do quick pencils and then ink them and possibly chuck in some colour. Got carried away and the Jedi I had intended doing ended up becoming a Sith. Also got carried away with the ol' pencil.... So, today's pic is a Sith Lord, have to dream up a suitably menacing name for him. Might at another time do an inked and coloured version, but for the moment, I'm off to wash my hands (they're all grey) and have a nice cup of tea and maybe something chocolatey!
Very nice! your very good, should do some lord of the rings things :p troll, goblin on a warg ect :D would look smart!
Ta very much! Nice idea, keep an eye out. This is a challenge with a mate of mine, a posting a day until the end of July. I'll get to some LOTR stuff asap.
I should get drawing again, altho i think iv lost touch :p
Nice one Dee! Agree with the LOTR idea...hmmm...maybe next week there could be a day dedicated to it?
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