Friday, July 30, 2010

The Full Monty

After a bit of a chat with Gar, we decided to put 'Some Blue Bloke' in it's entirety up on our respective blogs. 'Some Blue Bloke' had a limited print run of 50. While there are some left, Gar feels it would be a shame to deprive the world and future generations, so here we are, on the internet, for ever and ever and ever..... He has a doctors cert to confirm that he doesn't suffer from Hubris and it's not contagious anyway.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Colour Version

This is the cover and 1st page of 'Some Blue Bloke', by Gar shanley and myself.
We'll be flinging it out into the world this weekend at Edition Book Arts.
Do meander by, for a truly unique afternoon.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Working on a wee story by Gar Shanley...
Getting there. This is page one.